The Best age for Orthodontic Treatment is between the age 7-11 years, when the growth of jaw takes place and natural growth processes are in full swing. 

Orthodontic Treatment corrects problems such as crooked or crowded teeth, over bites and under bites, incorrect jaw position or jaw joint disorders.  

When these problems are left untreated, they may result in tooth decay, gum disease, headaches and earaches, as well as speaking, biting or chewing problems. 

Orthodontic treatment creates a better bite, making teeth fit better, and decreases the risk of future dental problems regardless of age. 

Orthodontic Treatment or Braces aren't just for kids and teenagers, adults too can go for this treatment – it’s never too late to improve your dental health and beautify your smile. You can request an evaluation from your dentist who will inform you if orthodontic treatment is the right option for you.  

Healthy teeth can be moved successfully at any age, so there is no such thing as being too old for orthodontic treatment.. Some adults never received orthodontic treatment as children to correct problems and disorders in their teeth. 

For adults, investing in a smile can have significant benefits, socially and professionally.  Straightening teeth can be an important part of boosting confidence and a smile makeover.  

However, it is best to consult your Dentist or an Orthodontist to evaluate and let you know if you are fit for the treatment.